Friday, April 27, 2007

And Now For Something Completely Different

We are currently in the process of packing up our Pullman apartment and moving to Spokane. (Not to mention finishing an independent physics course, student teaching, graduating, and leaving for Africa in three weeks!) The apartment is officially ours today, David will be signing the papers this afternoon. AND I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET! Supposedly it's gorgeous. I am so excited I'm practically counting the minutes (ummm, many, many minutes left - 4+ hours worth of minutes). I'll post pictures later tonight.

Alongside the new apartment, we get to have cats! We're planning on heading over to the humane society Saturday or Sunday after the majority of our stuff is settled in the new apartment and adopting, not one, but two (count 'em, two!) cats/kittens. I've been scouring the Petfinder website and I've got my eye on Mitzi and Squeaky. I'd like to adopt (youngish) adult cats and Dave wants kittens - we'll see how it goes. I'm a sucker for kittens, though. Expect cat pictures by the end of the weekend!


Dennis said...

And yet you ended up with neither cat. How fascinating, and how did that work out?

Jen said...

Mitzi was already adopted and Squeaky was a "refuse-to-use-the-litter-box" kind of a kitty. Sweet, but he couldn't come home with us.